Latest Episodes

Post-Arrest Ventilator Management
In this episode, we review the critical pearls and pitfalls in ventilating the post cardiac arrest patient. Are lung protective strategies useful? What is...

Steroids for Septic Shock? Where is the Pendulum Now?
In this podcast, we discuss the recently published ADRENAL study and its implications for the use of steroids for patients with refractory septic shock?...

Reversal Strategies for Life-threatening Bleeding due to DOACs!
He's back! Bryan Hayes joins the podcast to discuss the latest evidence pertaining to the reversal of life-threatening hemorrhage secondary to the direct oral...

Top Articles 2017 - Part II
In this podcast we complete our discussion of articles from the 2017 emergency medicine and critical care literature that have potential practice changing implications. ...

Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices
What do you do for the patient in cardiogenic shock who is not responding to vasopressors and inotropes? Should you place a mechanical circulatory...

An Approach to Refractory Hypoxemia
The use of a PEEP recruitment maneuver is common among ventilated patients with refractory hypoxemia. However, a recent JAMA study questions whether we should...