Latest Episodes

Updates in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Neurocritical Care guru Dr. Evie Marcolini is back to review recent literature and practice changes in the management of patients with acute ischemic stroke. ...

Pearls for the Management Heatstroke
The heat and humidity have returned to the Northern Hemisphere! Numerous deaths have already been reported due to the extreme heat. In this episode...

The SSC 2018 Update!
In this podcast we discuss the very controversial SSC 2018 Update. We know that sepsis is a time-sensitive illness, but does a 1-hour bundle...

A Clean Kill? Ventilating the Asthmatic Patient
Mechanically ventilating the patient with a severe asthma exacerbation is fraught with peril. Incorrect settings for tidal volume, respiratory rate, pressure triggers, or inspiratory...

Acute Aortic Syndromes
Acute aortic syndromes such as aortic dissection are incredibly stressful and challenging to manage. In this episode, we tackle the difficult management pearls and...

Managing Acute on Chronic Liver Failure
These are some of the sickest patients you’ll see in the ED and ICU. In this episode, we discuss incredibly useful pearls and pitfalls...