Latest Episodes

The PrePARE Trial - Do IVFs Prevent Peri-Intubation CV Collapse?
Up to 25% of critically ill patients who undergo RSI and endotracheal intubation (ETI) may suffer cardiovascular collapse.? Many clinicians administer IVFs during RSI...

TTM For Nonshockable Rhythms?
Current guidelines for post-cardiac arrest management recommend TTM (32C to 36C) for all patients with coma after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. The benefit of...

Extubating in the ED
Given the development of ED-ICUs and the ever increasing boarding of critically ill patients in the ED, extubation in the ED has become a...

Do ED-Based ICUs Make a Difference?
Over the past decade, the annual hours of critical care delivered in US emergency departments has sharply risen. Undoubtedly, many critically ill patients remain...

Updates in Post-Arrest Care
Over 500,000 patients suffer sudden cardiac arrest each year in the United States. Though survival rates are improving, there remains significant variation in outcomes...

Resuscitating The Critically Ill Geriatric Patient
The World’s population is aging. By 2030, 20 percent of the US population will be over the age of 65 years. Older patients have...