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Top Articles of 2018
A plethora of great articles pertaining to the care of critically ill patients were published in 2018. In this podcast, we review some of...

The Post-Cardiac Surgery Patient in Your ED!
More than 200,000 patients per year undergo coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Up to 20 percent of these patients will require readmission within...

Analgesia & Sedation in the Critically Ill
Untreated pain, anxiety, and agitation have both short- and long-term consequences for our critically ill patients. More importantly, it is well-known that patients remember...

PARAMEDIC2 - Is Epi Useful in OHCA?
Recent trials have produced conflicting results on the benefit of epinephrine in patients with OHCA. PARAMEDIC2 was just published and is the largest randomized...

Bicarbonate for Severe Acidosis?
Many critically ill patients are acidotic. Often, bicarbonate is administered to severely acidotic patients, but does it really improve outcomes? The BICAR-ICU was just...

Steroids for Septic Shock - Take 2
In February, we discussed the results of the ADRENAL trial and implications for clinical practice. Since that time, another large trial and meta-analysis has...