Latest Episodes

Diastolic Shock Index
Emergency medicine, critical care, and resuscitationists often use the Shock Index to identify patients with increased mortality. The Shock Index is calculated by dividing...

HFNC in COVID-19 Patients - Helpful or Harmful?
As we gain more experience managing critically ill patients with COVID-19 infection there has been a shift away from immediate intubation and towards more...

COVID-19: Toxicities of Potential Therapies
Currently, there is no approved treatment or proven therapy for COVID-19. As such, many have turned to treatments with little to no supporting evidence....

Vasopressors & The Older Patient - The 65 Trial
Current guidelines for many critical illnesses recommend targeting a MAP of 65 mm Hg, with consideration of higher MAPs in older patients with chronic...

Critical Care Management COVID-19 Update - March 30, 2020
Our understanding and management of patients with COVID-19 infection continues to rapidly evolve, almost on a daily basis. In this podcast, we discuss current...

Vitamin C for Septic Shock?
In 2017, Paul Marik published a single-center retrospective before-and-after study that demonstrated significant mortality benefit to patients with septic shock who received a cocktail...