Given the development of ED-ICUs and the ever increasing boarding of critically ill patients in the ED, extubation in the ED has become a more common practice. Selecting the appropriate patient and following a practical, organized approach is paramount to safely and successfully performing this procedure. In this podcast, we discuss the pearls and pitfalls of ED Extubation. Simply an outstanding discussion that you can’t miss!
You can get CME credit for this episode here!Click here for CME Account Creation InstructionsOur understanding and management of patients with COVID-19 infection continues to rapidly evolve, almost on a daily basis. In this podcast, we discuss current...
Timely and appropriate administration of empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics for adult patients with sepsis is critical. Current guidelines recommend an antipseudomonal antibiotic for those at...
The incidence of opioid-associated out-of-hospital cardiac arrests continues to rise. Current guidelines for the resuscitation of patients with OHCA advise the clinician to consider...