As we gain more experience managing critically ill patients with COVID-19 infection there has been a shift away from immediate intubation and towards more frequent use of non-invasive ventilatory strategies. Dr. Michael Allison joins CCPEM this podcast to discuss the latest evidence, controversies, and recommendations on the use of HFNC in COVID-19 patients.
You can get CME credit for this episode here!Click here for CME Account Creation Instructions Play episode here!Current guidelines for post-cardiac arrest management recommend TTM (32C to 36C) for all patients with coma after resuscitation from cardiac arrest. The benefit of...
Neurocritical Care guru Dr. Evie Marcolini is back to review recent literature and practice changes in the management of patients with acute ischemic stroke. ...
These are some of the sickest patients you’ll see in the ED and ICU. In this episode, we discuss incredibly useful pearls and pitfalls...