Care of the patient with ROSC following OHCA can be complex and typically includes a protocolized approach to optimizing oxygenation, ventilation, hemodynamics, early cardiac catheterization for patients with STEMI, seizure detection, and possibly TTM. In this podcast, we review two recent articles that focused on the use of mild hypercapnia compared with normocapnia in post arrest patients and the use of a pan-CT protocol to detect critical time sensitive conditions and complications.
Timely and appropriate administration of empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics for adult patients with sepsis is critical. Current guidelines recommend an antipseudomonal antibiotic for those at...
Many critically ill patients are acidotic. Often, bicarbonate is administered to severely acidotic patients, but does it really improve outcomes? The BICAR-ICU was just...
In this podcast we are joined by EM/CCM superstars Dr. Gabe Wardi and Dr. Kit Tainter, who discuss the physiologic effects of metabolic acidosis,...