Despite continued advances in resuscitation, favorable outcomes for patients with OHCA who receive standard resuscitation remain dismal. In recent years there has been significant interest in the use of ECMO for OHCA. However, the evidence demonstrating the efficacy of ECMO in OHCA remains limited. In this podcast we review the recent ARREST Trial, which evaluated ECMO-facilitated resuscitation in OHCA. In addition, we also discuss a recent systematic review on VA-ECMO for massive PE.
You can get CME credit for this episode here!Click here for CME Account Creation InstructionsMore than 3 million patients develop ARDS each year across the globe. Like any therapy, mechanical ventilation can induce further lung injury and cause...
In this podcast, we discuss the recently published ADRENAL study and its implications for the use of steroids for patients with refractory septic shock?...
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