Timely and appropriate administration of empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics for adult patients with sepsis is critical. Current guidelines recommend an antipseudomonal antibiotic for those at risk of a resistant gram-negative organism. The two most common antipseudomonal antibiotics prescribed in this setting are cefepime and piperacillin-tazobactam. In recent years, observational studies have reported an association with cefepime and neurotoxicity, whereas piperacillin-tazobactam has been associated with AKI especially when given with vancomycin. In this podcast, we discuss the recently published ACORN Trial, a randomized trial that evaluated cefepime and piperacillin-tazobactam for adult patients with suspected infection.
It’s time for our annual literature update of the best and most discussed articles from 2016! Simply a great discussion on important topics such...
Respiratory distress in the patient with a tracheostomy can incite fear in even the most seasoned emergency physician or intensivist. In this episode, we...
Resuscitating the sick patient and providing ongoing critical care is incredibly challenging in critical access locations and resource limited EDs. In this podcast, we...