ICH accounts for approximately 15 percent of all strokes. Despite improvements in neurocritical care, the mortality for patients with ICH can still reach 50 percent at 1-year, with many left with significant residual deficits. Patients with an ICH who are taking an oral anticoagulant medication tend to have larger ICH volumes, more frequent IVH, and a greater frequency of hematoma expansion. In this podcast, we review the latest recommendations on reversing anticoagulant medications in patients with an ICH. This is information you can’t afford to miss!
NIPPV is frequently used in the management of critically ill patients presenting with an acute COPD exacerbation, as NIPPV decreases the rates of intubation...
It’s time for our annual literature update of the best and most discussed articles from 2016! Simply a great discussion on important topics such...
In recent years, several single center trials have demonstrated positive outcomes in patients with OHCA randomized to receive ECPR compared with patients who received...