The debate on the ideal neuromuscular blocking agent for RSI in emergency intubations rages on. In this podcast, we review the latest randomized trial comparing rocuronium with succinylcholine in out-of-hospital patients needing emergency tracheal intubation – The CURASMUR Trial. Emergency medicine airway guru Dr. Ken Butler takes us through the paper and provides his expert opinion on which NMBA you should be reaching for in your next intubation!
You can get CME credit for this episode here!Click here for CME Account Creation InstructionsPatients with COVID-19 can require supplemental oxygen for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. While international guidelines recommend a target SpO2 between 90-96%, a safe oxygenation...
The use of a PEEP recruitment maneuver is common among ventilated patients with refractory hypoxemia. However, a recent JAMA study questions whether we should...
RSI is one of the most common procedures in critically ill patients. Despite its frequency, there remains significant practice variation on numerous aspects of...