Does a Restrictive Oxygenation Target Make a Difference in the Post-Arrest Patient?

October 04, 2022 00:25:21
Does a Restrictive Oxygenation Target Make a Difference in the Post-Arrest Patient?
Critical Care Perspectives in Emergency Medicine
Does a Restrictive Oxygenation Target Make a Difference in the Post-Arrest Patient?

Oct 04 2022 | 00:25:21


Show Notes

The care of patients with return of spontaneous circulation following cardiac arrest centers on optimizing oxygenation and ventilation, optimizing hemodynamics, identifying patients that require immediate coronary angiography, detecting seizures, and targeted temperature management.  In recent years, numerous articles have evaluated various components of this post-arrest bundle of care.  In the current podcast, we discuss Part II of the BOX Trial that evaluated a restrictive versus liberal oxygenation target in the post-arrest patient.

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