Patients with acute liver failure can be incredibly sick and have an exceedingly high mortality. Early identification and prompt, evidence-based management of the patient with acute liver failure may improve patient-centered outcomes. In this podcast, we discuss updated guidelines for the management of adult patients with acute liver failure. Key resuscitation topics include fluid resuscitation, blood pressure targets, vasopressor selection, bleeding and thrombosis risk, and mechanical ventilation.
You can get CME credit for this episode here!Click here for CME Account Creation InstructionsREBOA is a relatively new and novel technique that in animal studies has demonstrated benefit in controlling hemorrhage. However, the evidence for the efficacy...
We know NIV works well for patients with acute COPD or acute CHF exacerbations. In this episode we discuss the evidence for NIV not...
The emergency department resuscitation of patients with sepsis focuses on early recognition, timely administration of appropriate antibiotics, appropriate fluid resuscitation, early vasopressor initiation for...