Latest Episodes

The PLUS Study
Though we’ve discussed the use of balanced solutions in the resuscitation of critically ill patients numerous times on CCPEM, the literature remains controversial with...

The Critically Ill Patient with HHS
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome (HHS) is a potentially life-threatening hyperglycemic emergency that has a mortality that can be 10 times as high compared with patients...

Ketamine or Etomidate for RSI?
Etomidate and ketamine are frequently used for RSI in critically ill patients. Recent articles have raised concern about an increased incidence of post-intubation hypotension...

Resuscitating the sick patient and providing ongoing critical care is incredibly challenging in critical access locations and resource limited EDs. In this podcast, we...

Bicarbonate Therapy in the Critically Ill Patient
In this podcast we are joined by EM/CCM superstars Dr. Gabe Wardi and Dr. Kit Tainter, who discuss the physiologic effects of metabolic acidosis,...

The BOUGIE Trial
More than 1.5 million patients are intubated each year in the United States. In up to 20% of patients, the first attempt at intubation...